Read about projects Lean Six Sigma practitioners across UBC have taken on to further the culture of continuous improvement.
Feb 16, 2023
Reducing benefit-related support request volume through Lean Six Sigma
Liam Murphy is a Knowledge and Training Analyst with UBC's Integrated Service Centre (ISC). Applying his knowledge of Lean Six Sigma, Liam implemented updates to several Workday training courses that contributed towards a 40% decrease in the volume of benefit-related support requests over the 12-month period from December 2021 to December 2022.
Aug 02, 2022
Facilities’ Stores team applying Lean Six Sigma to reduce order pick time
Sean Zheng, a Store Operator from Municipal Services within UBC Facilities and Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt graduate, recently implemented a simple yet effective process improvement that resulted in a 50% decrease in average custodial order pick time.
Oct 05, 2021
Facilities’ Stores team putting Lean Six Sigma into practice
As many of us embark on our Lean Six Sigma journey, the Stores team from Building Operations has been actively putting their learnings to work in applying their learnings to their workspace. The Stores team decided to 5S the front space of the Stores area — take a look at the before & after.