Below are some helpful resources that will help you get started in your Lean Six Sigma journey.
The MOST Toolkit
When we apply Lean Six Sigma to a project, we begin by defining a key problem or opportunity in an existing process and creating a problem statement.
Use this MOST (Measurable, Observable, Specific, Time) worksheet to begin assembling the building blocks of your problem statement.
Lean Six Sigma 101
In this three-part series, you’ll dive into the world of Lean Six Sigma together, from breaking down basic terminologies to discovering how it promotes a UBC-wide mindset of collaboration, continuous improvement, and growth. These resources will serve as a refresher for those who have completed their Lean Six Sigma White Belt training and a preview for others.
- Part 1: Building a foundation in Lean Six Sigma
- Part 2: How Lean Six Sigma drives change at UBC and beyond
- Part 3: Making the MOST of a problem with Lean Six Sigma